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Shocking moment truck is obliterated by low bridge caught on camera > 자유게시판

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Shocking moment truck is obliterated by low bridge caught on camera

작성일 23-06-19 11:32

페이지 정보

작성자Angela 조회 6회 댓글 0건


This is the shocking moment a truck is shattered into pieces after driving into a notorious low bridge in Boston.
The box truck can be seen approaching the railroad bridge in Westwood at speed before slamming into the structure.
Police footage captured the incident on Thursday which led to severe pile-ups in the area.

Obliterated: The truck is shattered to a million pieces after hitting the low bridge in Westwood
Footage of the collision shows huge chunks of the vehicle fly up into the air as it strikes East Street Bridge.

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Cars that were following it slam the breaks on to avoid being hit as the truck all-but disintegrates, sending debris everywhere.

The same bridge has been the site of many similar crashes which has led police to set up surveillance to monitor the bridge.
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Oblivious: The truck approaches the low bridge with the green arrow light signaling to go through 
Too tall: But the truck is too tall for the notoriously low railway bridge and blacksprut официальный starts to list as it hits the structure
'Most of the problems occur not so much with professional truckers, but people with rental trucks to move furniture,' Westwood Police Sergeant and Public Safety Officer Paul Sicard, told .
'They're used to driving that way on a regular basis, so they don't even think about the bridge height.' 
Westwood Police Department said they often take at least one call a month relating to the site and set up the cameras there as a result.

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