150) who Reported any Same-Intercourse Identity > 자유게시판

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150) who Reported any Same-Intercourse Identity > 자유게시판

150) who Reported any Same-Intercourse Identity

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작성자 Juliann Frawley 댓글 0건 조회 12회 작성일 24-01-10 17:58


Numerous definitions of lesbian have been advised, starting from "someone who identifies as a lesbian" to "a girl-identified girl" or "a lady who has intercourse with another lady." Typically, sexual orientation is most often described as including behavioral, affective (i.e., desire or attraction), and cognitive (i.e., identification) dimensions that occur alongside continua (Laumann et al., 1994). That's, girls may exhibit differing levels of similar-sex sexual behavior, need, or identity in combos that differ from individual to individual.

Table 1.2 presents data gathered in a nationwide examine of the sexual behavior of American adults aged 18 or over (Laumann et al., 1994) and illustrates how the estimated proportion of American ladies who're lesbian varies relying on the definition one selects. In this sample, 3.8% of the girls reported having had at the least one identical-intercourse sexual partner since puberty, 4.3% indicated that they had engaged in specific sexual activities with one other woman, 7.5% reported that they at present skilled desire for a female sexual associate, and 1.4% recognized themselves as homosexual or bisexual (Laumann et al., 1994).Four

Table 1.2

Percentage of Women Reporting Various Dimensions of Same-Sex (SS) Sexuality by Selected Social and Demographic Variables .

Variations in the way sexual orientation dimensions interact are also illustrated in Figure 1.1. Of the ladies in the survey who reported some side of identical-sex orientation, 58.7% reported that although they discovered intercourse with one other woman to be desirable, they'd never had a feminine sexual companion and didn't establish themselves as homosexual or bisexual. Nearly 13% reported that that they had engaged in similar-intercourse sexual conduct at a while since puberty, however did not determine as homosexual or lesbian and didn't want a feminine partner. All who reported that they identified themselves as homosexual or bisexual had engaged in similar-sex conduct or discovered intercourse with a similar-intercourse partner to be fascinating. In different phrases, in this nationwide pattern, virtually everybody (greater than 90%) who self-identified as a lesbian additionally reported both similar-sex sexual conduct and want for an additional woman. However, many ladies who reported need for other girls or same-sex conduct didn't determine as lesbian.

Figure 1.1 Interrelation of the totally different dimensions of similar-sex orientation (current need, current or previous same-sex behavior, current identity as homosexual or bisexual) for a hundred and fifty women (8.6% of the entire 1,749) who report any grownup similar-gender orientation. (extra...)

The distribution of the dimensions of sexual orientation in the overall inhabitants could be graphically represented in a "sexual orientation cube" (see Figure 1.2).5 Women in cell A of the cube are clearly lesbian; they self-determine as homosexual, have solely female sex partners, and discover sex with girls only to be very fascinating. In distinction, these in cell B, at the other nook of the cube, would clearly be thought of to have a quite totally different sexual orientation; they discover intercourse with ladies not desirable, report no same-intercourse habits, and self-identify as heterosexual. More difficult to categorize are these girls who fall somewhere inside the central portion of the cube, comparable to those that want intercourse with women but do not identify as lesbian or have interaction in same-sex sexual conduct, those who identify as homosexual or bisexual however have never engaged in identical-intercourse sexual conduct, or these ladies with homosexual or bisexual identification characterized by need for both female and male partners.


Figure 1.2 Dimensions of sexual orientation: attraction by sexual conduct and identification.

As famous all through this report, no definitive set of data containing details about sexual orientation has been developed from a big probability pattern of women; thus, any try to signify the distribution of sexual orientation in ladies is topic to some distortion. The committee has analyzed data from the National Health and Social Life Survey (NHSLS) (Laumann et al., 1994) to illustrate the doable distribution of the dimensions of sexual orientation in the sexual orientation cube. These knowledge are useful for this purpose as a result of the study used chance sampling strategies, included girls from all through the nation, and included sufficient girls in the sample ( n = 1,719) to assist a minimal degree of analysis.6

For the purpose of this illustrative analysis, sexual id was categorized as homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual, and want or attraction was measured by the reported appeal of similar-sex conduct from not interesting to very appealing.7 As seen later in this report, there are many ways during which researchers have measured same-sex habits, usually assessing the gender of sexual companions during a sure time period (e.g., by no means, ever, since age 18, during past five years). Because there were so few studies of all similar-sex companions among the small variety of girls on this sample (n = 150) who reported any identical-sex identification, conduct, or attraction, the committee used a measure of history of cohabitation with a same-intercourse companion to evaluate lesbian sexual conduct from no same-intercourse partners to cohabitation with a identical-intercourse associate.

al conduct was assessed with a mixture of questions asking about similar-gender companions and cohabitation with a similar-intercourse associate since age 18. Of the 2 variables in the NHSLS measuring identical-intercourse desire (intercourse of the folks to whom the respondent is sexually attracted and appeal of sex with an individual of the identical sex), appeal was used in this evaluation because it yielded a larger number of instances in the nontypical classes and, like the other variables, might be measured simply using three levels. Although these variables may very well be measured with a larger number of ranges, solely three had been used to simplify visible presentation of the info and guarantee that the majority cells were not empty. Within the NHSLS report, these dimensions were analyzed dichotomously; that is, respondents had been classified based on whether or not or not they reported identical-intercourse habits, need, or identification (Laumann et al., 1994).

Among a total of 1,719 women represented in Table 1.3,8 1,699 (98.8%) identified themselves as heterosexual, 9 (0.5%) as bisexual, and 11 (0.6%) as homosexual (i.e., lesbian).9 The good majority of self-recognized heterosexuals (93.8%; n = 1,594) reported no identical-intercourse need or behavior (i.e., they would fall into cell B in Figure 1.2). Of the remaining 6.2%, the biggest numbers are present in cells representing heterosexuals who haven't had a feminine companion however who reported that they discover intercourse with a female to be both somewhat or very appealing, and among self-identified heterosexuals who've had a female companion however reported no same-sex need. Although solely 0.6% of the respondents self-recognized as lesbian (i.e., their responses would fall into cell A in Figure 1.2), another 6.6% of the respondents reported similar-intercourse behavior or desire. All self-recognized lesbians reported that that they had had a feminine sexual companion and that they found sex with females to be very interesting; most (81.8%, or 9 of 11) had cohabited with a female sexual partner. Self-recognized bisexuals in the pattern seem to occupy an intermediate place between heterosexuals and lesbians, exhibiting less variation than heterosexuals and greater than lesbians both of their sexual behavior and in how appealing they discover similar-intercourse sexual behavior.

Table 1.Three

Sexual Orientation in Adult Women: Appeal and Sexual Behavior by Identity .

Particularly for lesbian and bisexual women within the sample, but additionally for some heterosexual ladies, very low numbers of respondents within the cells make it inappropriate to generalize these patterns to the overall population with confidence. Further, limitations of survey research concerning the collection of valid information on sexual orientation make it possible that these data underrepresent the precise inhabitants of ladies who fit the research definition of lesbian (see Chapter 3). 10 Also, the results mirror an unweighted evaluation despite the fact that the women within the sample differed in their probability of selection. Nonetheless, this can be a helpful exercise for illustrating the range of expression of sexual orientation within the population as well as the problem of grouping sexual orientation into only a few discrete categories. Additional research is needed using chance sampling methods capable of together with larger numbers of girls who do not match into the most common sample of heterosexually identified ladies (i.e., those who have not engaged in similar-sex behavior and do not find having sex with one other woman appealing).

The committee strongly believes that there's no one ''proper" strategy to define who is a lesbian. For a researcher designing a study on lesbian health, the really useful course is to develop measures that collect data in regards to the elements of lesbian orientation which can be related to the particular project at hand (see Chapter 3). Adopting this approach does not avoid the difficulty of lesbian definition. Rather, it builds on the need to simply accept the complexity of sexual orientation and the social context by which it's embedded. In essence, "lesbian" ought to be outlined to satisfy the wants of specific analysis studies, interventions, or applications of care within typically accepted conceptual boundaries, with recognition of the three dimensions by means of which sexual orientation is most frequently outlined: id, attraction or want, and behavior.

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