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작성일 24-02-22 18:19

페이지 정보

작성자test008 조회 1회 댓글 0건


In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Rural Development Administration will http://horsesite77.com pursue the rural development project by focusing on the following four things: stable production of food, such as stabilizing the supply and demand of rice, and safe http://horsesite77.com production of food for the people. Through the cultivation of paddy fields and the development of mechanized agricultural technology, we will expand the production http://horsesite77.com base of rice and promote the consumption of rice by revitalizing the processing industry, such as the development of varieties and processed foods. While developing http://horsesite77.com varieties and cultivation technologies that can adapt to climate change, such as drought and heat waves, we will introduce tropical and subtropical crops and foster them http://horsesite77.com as new income crops. We will establish a safe food production and supply system, such as eco-friendly eco-agriculture and agricultural material safety management, to protect the healthy food of the people.


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