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Hotel Renovation Solutions > 자유게시판

Hotel Renovation Solutions

페이지 정보

작성자 Andreas 댓글 0건 조회 482회 작성일 23-10-08 05:44


Hotel Renovation Solutions works with hotel owners and operators in property upgrades, hotel renovation companies near meold hotel renovation in all phases and scope of renovation projects. We provide a unique service in that we work with design professionals, architects, general contractors, to subcontractors. HRS was designed to offer an additional level of communication, quality assurance and service to clients - and provide a smoother project with quicker completion times.

We will create a team that is a fit to your project, a qualified General Contractor, or specialty sub, with a depth of hotel experience, and who will match your specific set of needs, based on scope, timing, and budget. Our GCs feature all the capabilities you may expect from a full-service contractor.

HRS will provide the services that will make your project the smooth project it deserves to be, by playing a close coordination role between the General Contractor, ownership, design firm, shippers of FF&E, etc. Principals of HRS will visit your site throughout the term of your project, anticipate issues and provide solutions for anything unforeseen.

The unique value of Hotel Renovation Solutions is in our service commitment. We provide not only the understanding of what the needs are, but we stay with your project and "own your project" until final completion. The option exists for HRS to schedule the needed installation trades directly with hotel management. If the project is more limited in its scope, HRS is able to provide and supervise the needed trades, like carpet installation, paint, tile and stone installation, vinyl installation, and others, and it may prove to be a cost-efficient option.


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